Publisher Description
ExpressMRP is a software for material resources planning, forecasting and simulation of production in manufacturing companies. It tends to be simple, yet powerful tool for ad-hoc MRP calculation, planning and simulation, often needed in process industries. The program is especially suitable for dynamic manufacturing companies that produce many different products, handle variety of raw materials and often change production schedules and priorities. In such dynamic manufacturing companies it is of essential importance to be able to to forecast material shortage in time, in order to be able to react on time. ExpressMRP is designed to be the answer to such situations, being a tool for fast, ad-hoc MRP planning, production simulation and optimization. It is a bless for planners and production managers, that are facing stressful strugle to deliver products in time. ExpressMRP is written in Lazarus/FreePascal programming environment, thus having no external dependencies, being completely portable. It is working on both Windows and Linux OS. Working in Wine emulator too.
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